Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Voter's Dilemma

With the general election just around the corner, you have celebrities, political parties, prominent personalities, urging citizen to exercise their right to vote. But the million dollar question is who exactly do you vote for. You look at which candidates each party is fielding for the post of the Prime Minister, it does makes you shudder.

The Congress probably gave us our most educated and un-tainted Prime Minister of our country interest. But at the same time gave us one of the most meek and humble Prime Minister, someone who was manipulated once too often from the opposition as well as the people from within the coalition itself. The other thing that worries is that the current government really didn't meet any expectation that it set.

Then you have the BJP who is fielding a candidate who has time and again fanned the communal hatred and is responsible one of the worst communal riots and its aftermath that the country has suffered. An the other person who is campaigning for the party is another person responsible for the worst riots in the country's history, although one may argue that he's one good entrepreneur. Should you be voting for a party and it's allies into power who single handly have been responsible for the worst communal carnage that the country has faced, since the partition?

And then on the other hand you have the third front with a leader of the backward classes at its head who also has aspiration for the hot seat. What worries me is the lady and her party probably pretty corrupt as the rest of field and her follower keep behaving like a class who never wants to be uplifted because they like where they are. And then you have the Left party who do not want to see what is right or even right.

so this leads to dilemma who do I vote, that if my mom has managed to change our vote registration to our current address. I must admit that the last two time voted for someone (the only time I've ever voted) was because they were providing funds to repair my beleaguered building. One of them was former convict and a self proclaimed Don of the area. Fortunately both of them lost that election (but the Don won the Assembly election). so that brings me back to my big question...who do I vote for???

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