Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Living with Consequences

We get what we deserve. What we sow is what we end up reaping. Karma can be a real bitch giving back to us as much we give.

Sometimes it can be a bitter pill to swallow, but what we do always has a way to come back and haunt us. Nothing remains a secret, nothing remains hidden for long. 

We end up hurting and being hurt. No matter what the intention may be, we are left tattered and torn, bare and strung out for all to see. No words, no deeds can serve as a balm to calm the pain.

What's done is done and things cannot be undone. Though we live grasping for hope, grasping at thin air, but what has been done is done and gone. Now it's our turn to live with the price we pay. 

Thinking what could we have done differently will not help now. It's the consequences which we need to live with. 

So no matter how much we may hurt, wail, break down, we need to pick ourselves and continue to live way we always do.

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