Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Let me be ME

To a society that forces me to conform
To what it deems normal, to it’s norms
I ask what is normal?
My normal may not be it’s normal
So does that makes me abnormal?
If I could dare to question it
I could dare to challenge these norms
Cause what may be normal to me
May not be normal to you 
So why don’t you let me be me

In a society that bullies you 
That tries to beat you into submission 
Just so that you follow its set rule
That refuses to accept
That refuses to tolerate
Why don’t you see me
For who I am 
Rather than what I am
Why don’t you let me be me

In a society filled with social butterflies
Where everything is pout and click
Smile and click, post for all to see 
To garner likes and a following
It is truly brave to give a glimpse 
Of who you truly are, the real you
Not the one you see in those post
The one you keep hidden away 
Cause you’re afraid to be truly seen
Not what you want society to see
Why can’t I be me
Why don’t you let me be

What are you truly afraid of
If I may ask myself
It takes guts to be yourself
So why can’t I be myself
I may be broken, I may be imperfect
But I am imperfectly perfect
I am unique, I am different 
This is who I am
This is what makes me standout from the rest
It takes a lot to show me 
I takes a lot to know me
So why don’t you let me be me

You try to break me with your words
You may try to cut me with your knives
Try to bring me down, try to destroy me
Try to wound me, and leave me to bleed
No matter what you may try
You will never break me
Though my body may breakdown
My spirit soars high
So whether you accept me or not
I may not conform to your norms
Cause I will always be me
Cause it take a lot to be me

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