Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The Beginning: La Vie Bohèmme

As she stood there, staring into space, in to the distance, nothing in particular, she wondered what lay ahead of her, what adventures lay ahead, what twists and turns would life take? She had a suitcase full of clothes but a head filled with dreams. She stood there with her suitcase, a little hesitant, a little scared, a little anxious, but all excited for what lay ahead of her.

College had prepared them for the life to come, but did it prepare her for the life she wanted live? Her friends would get married and have children, but domestic bliss was not for her. Some would start businesses, have successful careers and becomes pathbreaking leaders, but that was not a life she had envisioned for herself.

She thought about the boys, and girls she had kissed, and many more she would kiss. She was a free spirit, a bird that could not be caged. She sang not because she could sing but because there was a song in her heart. The rules of this world was not for her, she never could understand them, could follow them. She marched to the beats of her own drums, to the beating of her heart, down a path she had paved for herself. She couldn’t follow the path paved by others, it was not meant for her. Her spirit was wild and free, it couldn’t be contained, La Vie Bohéme.

She stood there and wondered, was leaving now the right thing to do? Should she follow her heart, or let her head control the journey she would take, her destiny. The world was her oyster, it could make her into a beautiful pearl, but it could also let her be an ugly rock and spit her out. This thought scared, frightened her, making her doubt if this was the right thing to do? But then life is short and the world is large, she had to go out make memories for herself. 

She took a deep breath and took a step into the unknown, into the uncertainties of what lay ahead, but into the adventures she were to have, the experiences that would shape her life. She step into the train station, onto the train that would take her into the adventure, the life that lay waiting for her, the life she was meant to live. As the train pulled out from the station she waved goodbye to her friends (who had come to see her off, and make that last ditch effort to make her choose otherwise), and to the life she had once known.

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