Sunday, March 31, 2019

She says She’s 68... but She don’t know she’s Beautiful

I have known her for most part of my life, well even more and before, after all she did carry me for nine months in her womb, and from that moment, and as long I live, I had an instant connection with her (of course I was connected to her by an umbilical cord), the moment I saw her she imprinted on my heart (or did I do that to her?).

A simple (at times sample) woman, who spent most of her time, most of her life, caring for her family, caring for her in-laws, but now for quite a while it’s been just the two of us, as our tribe dwindled due to mortality of time (and the nestlings who moved on from the nest).

A woman of simple taste and slight awkwardness, but great hidden strength and determination, and yes a whole lot of patience (after all she needs it when she has a confused child like me). I may chide about going for walks, doing her tests and check ups, but I know she can and she does take her self. And when I scold her for her indulgences and giving into her little chocolate temptations, and how it will impact her diabetes, she just quips that she’s not diabetic and her diabetes are under control and she’s eating a little after food is allowed.

She would rather have me sleep than waking at odd hours, would rather have me rest than exerting myself going for a run or hitting the gym. She can never understand how I run so much for so long and don’t stop without getting tired. She never truly gets how I do the things I do (sometimes even I don’t get it myself).

My running friends, who know her, simply adore her, and take care of her whenever she joins us for outstation runs or trips. So she may not run, but she they admire her sportsmanship and stamina when we went sightseeing in Ladakh, and they in turn took care of her. 

She hates me posting her pics on Facebook or Instagram or any social media site, rationalising as to why should the world know what she’s doing and why let bad eyesight fall. She doesn’t think she’s beautiful and doesn’t like to be fussed upon. She feels she ain’t worth it. 

But no matter what she says she’s mean the world to me. For me she’s the most beautiful woman in the world, no one comes even close. She may say she’s 68 (though she’s not too sure about it) but she don’t know that she’s beautiful.

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