Thursday, December 30, 2021

Words Unspoken

So many words go unsaid 

They go unspoken 

They go unheard

Words of longing

Words that bears hurt and pain

That remains internalised 

Deepening the hurt and pain

You want speak them out loud

You want to scream them 

But remain caught within you

Not wanting to be spoken out loud

But only releasing itself in tears of hurt 

Hoping someone can understand 

Hoping someone will pay heed

To these unspoken words

Cause you are struggling to say them

Waiting for the right opportunity 

That’s never to come out

You want to say what’s deep inside you

You want to express the pain

You want to express your struggle

Your anxiety, what ales you

Your doubts and fears

Your needs and your wants

Your longing and your desire

But the words remain within

Those words that left unspoken 

The words that go unsaid