Sunday, April 04, 2010

Easter Morning

The Easter may have started off with a bit of disappointment (damn the stupid tailor for spoiling mom's blouse...was looking forward to see her wearing something that I had given her)...but yeah now it's getting back on track. The morning been all about hitting the gym at 6 a.m. with a session of cardio and abs (OK now my knee hurts and been hogging on chips thus negating the effort), messaging friends and tweeting on twitter. Then it was getting ready for mass which was pretty chaotic when you have all the members of your family trying to get ready together. The mass was good, but managed to doze off during the sermon (thanks to getting up at 6). Then it was wishing people after mass.

Now it's friends and relatives at home. Its time for celebration and food and drinks. Miss my friends from Pune and childhood friends and my Yash is only coming in the evening (wish he was here for the whole day)...But till then it going to be the Easter morning with family and friends

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