Tuesday, February 05, 2019

In the Mood for Love

So we are into the second month of the year, the month when we celebrate love. But then don’t we celebrate love almost 365 days (and 366 days in a leap year)? So does one day really matter, when we are celebrating it the whole year around? But what does love mean?

Love sure has evolved over the years, but the way we view love depends on what we believe in, what we accept. But no matter what our beliefs may be, love has evolved.  It’s no longer opposite attract or something just between a boy a girl, love has grown and matured and become accepting, irrespective of age, sex, creed, social status, religion, beliefs, challenging us to grow and mature, challenging us to broaden our thinking, broaden our perception of the way we see the world.

However, there are times when society, religion, narrows our outlook, often causing us to be judgemental. Anything that doesn’t fall within the definitions and confines set by society, religion, is considered immoral. But then who are we to judge? What is moral, what is immoral, but just a perception. Truth be told, we will never understand the ways of love (and I am not talking about the kamasutra or the play book). We’ll never understand how and why we fall in love. In all honesty we don’t really chose who we fall in with, and though we may deny it and suppress, but the ways of Cupid are unfathomable. So we never know how and who we fall in love with, cause love knows no boundaries, age, sex, or religion. Love is more accepting, making it way more broader and open minded, and matured than anyone. Maybe that’s the reason why it’s said that God is love. But then it makes you wonder why don’t we accept other forms of love that stray away from the traditional sense of the term.

But then there are some who wear their heart on the sleeve and fall in love at the drop of a hat, when in actuality they may not really be in love, it’s just a phase that they go through. They love the notion of being in love, but when that notion is gone, that feeling vanishes, so is the love.

So in the end all that matters is your perspective, how you view love, what’s your view of love? How does your outlook in life affect your belief in love. So are you a traditionalist, or has your outlook of love matured and broaden with time? Are you in the mood for love?

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