Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Spontaneity Uncertainty

As he disembarked his flight and on to the airport he felt a sense of excitement within himself. This was the most spontaneous he had been in his entire life and there was something exhilarating about it.

But as this exuberance began to wear off so was his excitement. Now that he was here, what next, he thought to himself. He lived a planned life. His every action was thought through, planned and executed. He was disciplined by nature and anything unplanned, spontaneous, stressed him. Spontaneity was just not his thing, his cup of tea, yet here he was being spontaneous, being so not himself. He had half a mind of taking the next flight back to a life that he knew, the life he was comfortable with. Ironically, it was the unknown that kept alluring him, seducing him, keeping him from going back.

He spent the next few hours at the airport’s tourist kiosk, planning and plotting his itinerary, which was his way of being spontaneous. He learned about this beautiful island, where they thought that if you sailed there you would fall off the edge of the world. This didn’t actually excite him but it sure did raise his curiosity.  So he got his permit done (which was necessary to get in this island) and purchased his ticket. He checked into the hotel and then went about the places he had ticked off at the kiosk. 

The next day, at the set time, be made his way to the docks from where he would board the ferry that would take him to this mythical island (at least for him). He waited patiently in line to board the vessel. But there was something keeping the line from moving, causing the people to get agitated. He learned that it was a lady who was holding up line. He finally saw her when she stepped to the side and began to empty the contents of her backpack on the dock. He had a dislike for people who were clumsy, unplanned and indisciplined. He felt no sympathy towards her.

He just ignored her as he passed her and boarded the boat. As he took his seat he still saw her struggling with the contents of her backpack. He turned his attention from the docks and to the sea, taking in his so called voyage to the island at the edge of the world.

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