Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Journey to the Edge of the World: HerStory

As she stepped off the train and on to the platform she knew adventure was waiting her but she didn’t know what it was. She was frightened, she was scared, she had butterflies flying about in her stomach. But at the same time the unknown brought a sense of excitement, a sense of adventure, a sense of discovery. There was a whole world out there waiting to be discovered, an adventure waiting to be undertaken, and in it all there was a self discovery. She was excited about this new adventure, but with a sense of trepidation, a sense of nervousness, a sense of fear of the unknown. Ironically, that which excited her also scared her. No matter what, in her heart of hearts she knew this is what she was meant to do.

She spent the next few exploring the city, taking in the sights and sounds, learning about every nook and corner, everything that the city had to teach her, had to show her. Then one afternoon, she learned about a place, an island of great beauty, away from the hustle-bustle of life. A place they say if you jumped off you would fall off the edge of the world. This was her kind of place, a place she could loose herself to discover herself.

She got her permit done (cause you needed one to get on the island), and headed to catch the ferry that would ferry her to the island. She made her way down the dock, to the pier from where she could board it. She needed to be on time as there as just one ferry a day, and if she missed this one she would have to wait the whole day for the next one.

She bought her tickets and joined the line, patiently waiting her turn her turn to board  the ferry. Finally when it was her turn she reached into her backpack for her permit but just couldn’t find it in the last place she remembered putting it. She placed her backpack on the ground and began rummaging through it, much to the annoyance of those behind her as she was holding up the line. She stepped aside and frantically looked for it, emptying the content on the dock. She was met angry glares from her would-be co-travellers, as they passed her. When she finally found it, the ferry was long since gone leaving her stranded on the dock. She would now have to an entire day for the next ferry. She felt helpless, frustrated and annoyed with herself. 

When she was finally able to get over her frustrated she noted a handsome young man and his sailboat. She used her charm, and a bit of flirtation to hitch a ride on his boat and get him to ferry her to her destination, to her destiny. To the place at the edge of the world.

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