Friday, July 26, 2019

When all is said and done...

She had never envisioned her life taking this turn but yet here she was. Falling in love was never part of her plan, if she did have a plan in the first place, but yet here she was falling in love with this man. In fact he wasn’t even the type of guy she would normally go out with, let alone be interested in, yet here she was falling in love with him, each day of her life. They often shared a good laugh when they admitted the unfavourable impression that they initially had about each other.

He had checked out of the place where he was staying and moved into the apartment which she was given, as it was close to the cafe, where he had taken a role of the bartender, which he wasn’t very good at, but then most of the patron normally didn’t care and he was quick learner. On the plus side he got to learn about all the gossips of the town. On the negative side not all the gossip was welcome, and after sometime it did get to him after he heard the same thing over and over again. She usually laughed at it when he narrated his situation to her, much to his irritation.

Her life was perfect, not in the way she had intended for it. She liked the twist it had taken. And the twist was what that had made it magical. They spent major part of their day working at the cafe, taking lunch and breaks together, flirting at every opportunity. During their day off they explored the city, the nearby cities, spending time on the beach or in the meadow, if they weren’t making love. Life was beautiful, life was magical.

As days went by she began to notice a yearning in him, a call to return to a life he had once known. She could feel it every time he mentioned it, every time he told her about the people and office from his life who tried to get in touch with him. This life was her dream, what she intended for, this was not he wanted. He just latched on it because of her. She knew she had to do what was right by him, even if it meant breaking his heart and hurting him in return. She had to stop being selfish and have him live her life but let him go to live the life meant for him.

When he told her about an offer which he had received which kind of interested him, she knew this was her chance. She tried to convince him to consider the offer and take it, he may not get a such a chance ever again. She tried to counter his argument that this was her dream and not his, and it would be wrong, would be selfish to hold him back, when he said he was happy here.

When he realised there was no winning with her, he finally gave up and said he would consider the offer on the condition that she would come with him. But then she was not ready to return back to a life she left behind, that life was not meant for her and there was no returning back for her. That was a life meant for him, this was her  life, the one she was meant to live.

They argued the whole night and for the next couple of days, both not willing to budge from their respective position. She knew she had to hold her ground cause it was for his best, even if he didn’t see it. He finally relented in the condition she would visit him. She reluctantly accepted this condition.

Her heart broke to a thousand place as she saw him get on the ferry and leave for the main land. She knew he was hurting, hurting bad, maybe much more than her (if it was possible). She kept telling herself that was what best for him, best for her, best for them. Trying to convince herself that what she was doing was right, to keep her from jumping into the ferry and into his arms, but she knew there were was no happy ending for them, cause this was no fairy tale.

She returned back to the life she had made for herself, trying futilely to get him out of her mind. She couldn’t help herself when her mind wandered towards the thoughts of him. But she was determined to try and put him behind her and this thought kept pushing her on.

Then one day she felt queasy and needed to be taken to the doctor. She didn’t realise that she had missed her period, and was in shock when she learned that their love had planted a seed in her and it was growing and would soon bear fruits. After the initial shock wore off, she began to debate if she should tell him, but then he would have a reason to return, which wasn’t something she wanted (though secretly she hoped for). 

So she decided to go down this road all by herself. Once more she stood on the cusp of something new wondering where would life take her, what turn would it take now, what was in store for her. It was a daunting road that lay ahead of her, one if chosen then there was no turning back. This thought frightened her. But she realised she had this feeling before, and she made her way through it, she determined to do it once again. She had no clue what life had in store for her but she was ready to undertake the adventure ahead, to face what lay ahead. Cause when all is said and done she found the strength from within her.

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