Monday, November 18, 2019

Innocence Lost

“Children’s Day”, the one day we reminisce on our childhood, going back in time and reliving those memories, celebrating the children we were. We end up changing our DPs and sharing our childhood pics on all possible social media platforms. I too am one such specimen, changing my profile pic, sharing my childhood pic, joining many others who did the same on the day, and all through the week.

But there are those who’s childhood is filled with pain and sorrow, who don’t have any memories of their childhood that they can cherish, who’s childhood have been far from pleasant, for whom reminiscing on the past is nothing but reliving the pain they have been through. And there those who have been robbed of their childhood, thanks to the cruel ways of humanity. 

They are the ones from broken homes, with parents who spent more time fighting with each other than spending it with their kids,  giving the attention they need, they seeker, they craved for. Children who spent their childhood deprived of the love and care they deserved. Children born in poverty, children forced to take up the responsibilities of families on their tender shoulders. 

Children who suffer from various sickness and ailments, who spend more time in hospitals and clinics, than they spend around friends and family, people and places around whom they need to be. Children who’s health do not permit them to live life as they would deem as normal. Their health clipping their wings and keeping them grounded, taking away their dreams and curtailing their lives.

There are children who have been tortured and abused, mentally, physically and sexually, left damaged and broken. They are victims of cruel, evil, lustful nature of humanity. They are abused by the very ones who should have been protecting, the ones under who’s care they should have felt sheltered and protected, but have left them violated, defiled, damaged and broken. The lust of others have left them shattered and confused, what wrong did they do to deserve this, why is this happening to them, especially when no one believes them. Thus leaving their lives shattered, the very fabric of their lives ripped apart.

All this affecting them for the worse, leaving them confused, shattering their confidence, breaking them down, making the susceptible to further abuse and bullying, and if they aren’t able to cope, their lives ends up being a living hell.

So if we believe the children are our future then we need to protect and keep them safe from cruel and evil world. They need to be nurtured and taken care of and be helped and guided, to help them make something of themselves. We need to be examples for them, make them feel safe and sound and not the ones who turn upon them. 

“I believe the children are our are future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be”

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