Monday, November 25, 2019

Sunday with the RuNCouragers!!!

After Saturday’s long run cum hill training (i.e. killing yourself at BNP at the hands of Dylooo and Pankti... on the plus side... the weather was good for a change), some baking adventures (or misadventures, as the cookie taste, but then that’s fodder for a different write up), and very little time to rest and recover (to add to it, 3 hours of ballroom), didn’t quite think I had it in me, or in my system to squeeze any more mileage for the day!

But then there were some special reasons to go. Firstly, it’s been a while since I have run in Thane (I think pacing Neha Gharat for the Thane Pinkathon was the last). Then RuNCouragers ne hume bhuliya main chala aya (dang I am getting good with Hindi, or am I). Lastly Admin hain to jana padenga (vow I am on fire, or what?)

So here was I, waking up at the usual ungodly hours on a weekend, when the rest of the world is fast to sleep (unless they are runners, then they would be wide awake to catch their weekend long runs), meeting up with my fellow admins and heading to Thane, to the start point, to meet a very cheery and enthusiastic and noble bunch of runners that form the RuNCouragers, who had meticulously planned the run and had everything put in place.

So after greeting and meeting many runners (some of whom I hadn’t seen in ages, some who I was meeting for the first time) and a quick warm up and briefing, not to forget the singing of the National Anthem, off we went. Though I had initially planned to take it easy (after all the body was still in its recovery mode from the exertions of the previous day... don’t ask me what... I’ve already mentioned it) but then the weather was kind and the route challenging, and when life challenges you rise to the challenge to the best of your ability, rather than cowering in front it. The road beckoned and the volunteers cheered you on enthusiastically. So even though the initial pace was easy, for the first couple of kilometres, thanks to a chit chat running with Prabhu, the legs did what the legs wanted to do, so finally upped the pace.

So with a gentle breeze on my face off I went. There were volunteers at every turn, supporting you, guiding you, cheering on, especially my buddy Shilpa Rao who kept cheering even while she drove from one water point to another. So I ran up gentle slopes, for once not cursing them but glad they were there, cause it made the route more dynamic rather than one dimensional, passing fellow runners on their long runs (I assume) and walkers on their morning walks, at the Upvan lake you had some race being conducted, and you passed children who were practising some form of martial art (have very little knowledge in it). Though one wrong turn took me down a different  route, in the end it didn’t matter as I managed to complete the distance.

Reaching the end point it was time to enjoy some much needed post run refreshments of idlis and chutney and chaas, courtesy of our wonderful host. It was then time to do what we runners do best, apart from running, chat, socialise and click pictures and selfies. But not before a leisure walk in the park to cool down, exploring the beauty of the well manicure lawns.

It was then time for the customary group pic; what training run is complete without a group pic? Not before thanking the wonderful RuNCouragers for being such a gracious host, for all the arrangements, the wonderful support and meticulous planning.

In the end it was a Sunday morning well spent, for some important mileage, though on weary feet. Got to meet and be introduced to many noble running souls. So glad I was able to make it and have a wonderful Sunday run.

P.S. Thank you the awesome team of RunCouragers SN sir, Sachin, Murali, Vasu, Neha M, Hansa C, Rupesh P, Amit G, Payal C, Manish, Jatinder and Vaibhav (for capturing some amazing pics), Shilpa, Ved, Santosh M, Hitender, Ajay K, Hrishikesh, Rakesh D, Santosh S, Sunil Talwar, Vilas H, Arvind S and Sandeep P (sincerely apologise if I missed out anyone).


Vasudevan said...

That's a nice way of recording memories. So kind of you that our team RuNCouragers has made one of your runs truly memorable and thanks for coming all the way just to run and enjoy with us. Will look forward for future opportunities. We have just returned favours what we received and learnt from big daddy MRR. More power and miles to you ! God bless

SAM said...

You are truly amazing dear ������...amazed to see how sportingly you take on the challenges, so that they are no more challenges (that's how true runners are ��) and how well versed you are when it comes to expressing your thoughts...when I read through your blog, felt like going through nice positive breeze ��...keep running, keep writing, keep inspiring ��

Rodman’s World said...

We get what we give... so grateful to have a wonderful Sunday running with you all!

Rodman’s World said...

Was able to put into words thanks to the wonderful experience and hospitality