Friday, November 01, 2019

The Unsaid Words

They had just done with dinner. The night was young, the night was cool. As they had nowhere to be, anytime soon, they decided to take a walk, under the pretext that they had to digest the food they had eaten. After all it is believed that walking post a meal aides digestion, or was it? They didn’t bother if this was true or just a myth, they just wanted an excuse to extend the moment, to spend more time with each other. 

So they walked down the not quiet deserted streets, passing teeny boppers and office goers who were intent to make the most of a Friday night. The weekend was nigh and with it came the weekend spirit. They didn’t take notice of the two souls walking down the street.

They walked down cobbled streets, their fingers brushing against each other, hooking on and then letting go. Fingers that didn’t grab on to each other, that didn’t latch on to each other. They just brushed again, enjoying the gentle touch, the brief brush, the sensation that it sent.

Dinner had been good, but dinner had been only an excuse for them to meet, to extract themselves from the mundane, from the stress, put it all behind them and make the most of the time they had. They had met a longtime ago, only to find each other. And they found each other when they needed it the most.

However,  they were two lonely souls who who were afraid of getting hurt. The past had scarred them as left broken and bruised. They didn’t want to go through all the hurt again. They didn’t want to commit and spoil that what they had, the bond that they shared. They didn’t want to ruin the relationship they cultivated by saying those words. But as they walked down that street they each secretly yearned to hear it from the other.

They came to a park and sat on an empty bench. They sat there under the starry sky, as a cool breeze brushed against their skins, without uttering a single word. Somehow their hands found each other, and that touch sent a warm feeling through their bodies, providing them the warmth they needed on that cool night. 

They talked quietly, trying to muster the words to say without uttering those three words. They didn’t want to be the first to utter it but secretly yearning to hear it. But the fear of them loosing each other, risking it all, kept them from uttering it. They liked each other, and cared for each other. They felt drawn to each other, attracted to each other. They knew how the other felt, it was an unspoken word, but they didn’t want to admit it.

They continued to sit there as time passed by, not wanting the moment to end. But it was getting late and they had to return to the life they had known. They stood up and embraced each other tightly, not willing to let go of the other, out of fear they may loose the other. Like two magnets drawn to each other, fused  together, they stood there in a warm embrace. And then they kissed, liked they had kissed before, first a lingering peck, and then with more passion. They didn’t bother what the people would say, they were lost in that moment. They knew the kiss was pure, encapsulated the feeling in them without reeling them in.

Finally they had to let go and return to the mundane. As they parted they secretly hoped the other would turn around and say those words, and so they lingered on while more, turning to glance if the other would glance back. Alas it was not to be, and so they returned back to their lives with those words still remaining unsaid.

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