Sunday, September 19, 2021

A Break

“We were on a BREAK!!!” An iconic line for any Friends  fanatic.

Being in love can be exhausting at times. Constantly trying to meet expectations, to say the right things, do the right things, behave the right way, can take a toll even on the best. It can drain you, take you away from who your truly are as a person.

But this is not something expected, not something that is explicitly said (at least not always). It’s something we put on ourselves, a pressure to make up for the past mistakes, past stumbles, to make things work. And though we go into a relationships saying we carry no expectations, but somehow expectations creep in, no matter how hard we try to keep it out.

At first its all nice and comfy and cosy, lovey dovey. But what happens when the endorphins run out, when it no longer has the same effect as it previously had. That’s when a true relationship begins, that’s when your love is tested, that’s when exhaustion sets in.

In these moments you seek a break, Not necessarily a break-up, but a moment to step away, to be yourself, a pause in the journey. A chance to recuperate and recharge. The time to return to yourself, the time that you didn’t have before, the time you deserve.

It’s the time to evaluate the direction your life is taking, whether it’s worth going down the rabbit hole, or set course to a different shore?

Sometimes we need that break, a break from each other, from constantly occupying each other’s space, from constantly expecting things from each other and being disappointed. To escape those unsaid  expectations, the feeling of anxiety.

Maybe this break from each other would work for the best, just what the doctor ordered. Who knows you may come way with a greater appreciation  for what you both have. It  gives you time to work on the chinks and plot the way ahead. It gives you time to work on the perspective and the direction life is taking. It gives you a chance for a fresh start. 

The outcome may not always be in the best interest, but it’s a start in a new direction. Hopefully it may workout for the best, so that you may come out stronger either as a couple or as individuals.

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