Saturday, September 18, 2021

Mr Zero

He stared at mirror, looking at the handsome bloke that stared right back hand, not in the narcissistic kind of way. But somehow he didn’t believe it. Though he tried his best to smoulder, and to some extent he succeeded, in his head he still didn’t believe. 

He wondered what others fancied about him that he failed to see. This was just like his singing. In his head he always believed that he could hold a tune but in reality everyone just wanted him to shut-up!

And though people lusted for him, in his head he was a Zero. By himself, he felt  he added no value whatsoever. But when he was joined to another, he help their value increased, not that his value lessened. 

He had no intentions of multiplying, or trying to be divided. Though he was great proponent of sharing. So that value was always zero.

He was neither a pessimist or an optimist, he believed in keeping thing real, though many people believed that he ways always lost in his own world with his head up in a cloud. Stayed away from the ever negative and the ever optimist, cause he was neither.

In many he ways he was the ideal Mr Zero. He refused to acknowledge what others had said of him, cause he believed them untrue. It was better to underestimate ans be exalted than to boast and be knocked down.  In many ways his value was always a zero.

So he stared at the mirror for a few moments more, before switched the light off and went back to his dream land.

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