Thursday, August 17, 2017


We often complain
That moments that matter
Are far and few
And often fleeting 
Never giving us a chance
To savour it
To bask in it
To enjoy it

What we never truly understand 
Is that every moment matters
Every second
Every minute
Every hour
Every day
The tiniest detail is what matters

We are often wrapped up
In our so called busy life
That we let so many moments pass us by
Without ever noticing
Or acknowledging it

Every moment needs to be celebrated 
Not just those big ones
Every triumph, no matter how small
Needs to be celebrated 
Cause it is these moments 
that come together 
To make a cohesive whole

We may never ever have 
bards or ministerial 
Put these moments in verse or songs
But these moments live on with us forever
Etched in our heart for all eternity

These moments may be small and tender
Passionate beyond lust 
Or the craving of the flesh
But these moments are genuine 
Pure and true
Strengthening the bonds 
That binds us together
That keeps us sane

These moments are our prized possession
Our ray of sunshine
On a dark and gloomy day
That what keeps us strong
Fills us up with hope and faith

Though time may pass us by
These moments linger on
Like a tattoo on our mind
Imprinting on us
Ours for all eternity

Though we may come and go
The se moments that form memories
Will linger on for all eternity 

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