Saturday, December 08, 2018

.. Over a Cup of Chai

They both met on the last place they had ever imagined that they would meet anyone of interest, let alone people of their wavelength. They were both averse to the app and had to be coaxed and cajoled, even to the extent of blatant threats, to sign up on it. They were two lonely souls, not because of the lack of people out there, but their inability to move ahead, trapped in their own world, trapped in their own thinking, totally socially awkward, something their friends saw, and they failed to understand, and who ended up taking matters in their own hand.

They weren’t aware of the existence of the other, let alone knowing they worked for the same company, albeit out of different offices, departments, locations, cities. It was that faithful beep on the messenger, or scan of the messenger, that actually lifted the veil of ignorance of each other’s presence, slowly helping to form a connection. They had seen each other, but up until that ping they were oblivious of each other’s presence, the only thing they had exchanged was a quick glance.

Since one was timid the other bold, it was upto to the bolder one to take the initiative, once it was learned of each other’s presence it was just a matter of time they had to meet. Unfortunately their busy schedules almost derailed their opportunities and kept them from meeting each other. When they finally got a small window of opportunity it was time for them to part. So they decided to make the most of what presented itself.

Though they met over a cup of chai they ended up having a stimulating conversation, getting a bit more than they had expected, bit more than they had bargained for. In those moment they spoke of their life, what lead them to getting on the app, their life on the app, and what they look forward to life, on and off the app. They learnt so much of each other, like peeling off the layer of an onion skin, learning something new with each layer, getting to know each other, each other’s personality, a new appreciation, a new admiration, respecting each other.

As they conversed with each other, their conversation had these little touches, private moments, personal to just the two of them. A hand on the shoulder, a brush on the back, a touch on the elbow, pushing back the errant strand of hair. Touches that were personal, touches that were intimate, more than any other form of intimacy.

They spent the rest of the day texting each other, eagerly awaiting the others response. And when it came time to part ways they walked together to the gate, letting their fingers brush each other, not really holding hands, avoiding the awkwardness of gawking eyes, but sharing a smile. So at the gate, when they said goodbyes, they hugged and one gave the other a peck on the neck, promising to have a proper date, the next time either of them were in the same city.

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