Wednesday, August 29, 2007


A rat in the kitchen is something obviously you don't want to see and find in your own house. A kitchen is not a place for a rat (according to us) . And can be both quite treacherous as well as tempting for the little rodent. But what if this rat has a knack for making exquisite culinary delight? A rat that's not interested in stealing, but rather inclined towards herbs and spices, to Rose Mary and Saffron. What if you came to know that it was a rat that prepared the delicious meal you just had? Doesn't sound too appetizing.

Well then let me introduce you to Remy, the four legged rodent, who actually prefers walking on two as he doesn't like tasting his feet in his food. Who has taste for the gourmet meal and will simply not eat garbage. Someone who can tell spices from each other (something that not even I can do). Someone who lives in Paris and dreams of being a chef. Someone who adorably cute and reminded me of doggie when he made those cute innocent faces.

Ratatouille is the story of Remy and his dream of being a chef. Helping a hapless Linguini along the way, collaborating with him to make splendid dishes (which are finest moments), as well as his true inheritance. Also winning over food critic Anton Ego (marvelously voiced by Peter O'Toole) who was responsible for the restaurant loosing it's credibility. All this aided by the great chef Gusteau, a figment of Remy's imagination and the line "Anyone can Cook".

Never in the million year would I thought that I would find a rat in the kitchen so appealing. But every dish, every ingredient, comes to life. Even when Remy tasting two things the firework representing what the ingredient brings you is absolutely delightful. Sitting in the audience you taste, smell and want what Remy cooks up.

There are moment where you'll simply go aww or just cheer Remy. But there moments that will also creep you out especially when you see the entire rat colony. But then it when the entire rat colony that helps Remy and in turn Linguini in the climax that makes the whole movie great and also gives the movie it's finest moment.

The finale is absolutely a delight with Remy not only managing to win over Anton Ego but at the same time make the food critic remember his mother's preparation. Something that I long for.

Coming out of the theater I couldn't help but have the a broad of smile on face. Thoroughly entertained by cute, squeaky rat. I guess that's what I go to the movies for. Definitely recommend the movie. So till then Bon Apetit.

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