Saturday, September 30, 2017

A Tragedy: When Life Lost Moves You

What use is an audit
When what should have been prevented
Already happens
How would auditing the conditions 
Help the twenty-two unfortunate souls
Already lost to your callousness

Why are you so reactive 
When you need to be proactive
What do you tell the families
Who’s loved ones left for the day
But never to return

Can all the money in the world
Buy back the lives lost
Heal does deep scars

How do you console a 9 month old babe
Who cries out for it’s mother
How do you console a father
Who happened to listen to his daughter
And walk a bit ahead of her 
Only to turn around and not find her there 
So many stories to weep
Of loss and sadness

Why oh why then 
Didn’t your heed to the cries
That warned you before
This was not a calling wolf 
But a ticking bomb waiting to burst
And with it did it consumed lives

Does renaming a station
Is more important than human life
What do you get by it
A vote bank to fall on?

What use is a bullet train
When a tragedy is 
A bullet to the heart
What use is an AC train
When the everyday commute
Feels like being packed up like sardines
A dangerous stunt 
That needs to be completed 

What use of looking to bring a future
When the present isn’t perfect
When there’s lack of proper infrastructure 
When there has been a call
For an urgent need to overhaul
Why did it fall on deaf ears?

Why the stepchild treatment?
We help pay a major of chunk of taxes
Giving to you what is due to you
And get nothing in return
Only to see your pet cities and states
Benefit from what should have been ours
We don’t need your tweets 
or your insincere condolences 
Till you feel the pain we feel, 
The anguish of loosing someone dear
The fear and the risk we take
On our daily commute
Your words are meaningless and hollow

So don’t tell us your saddened
Or tell us a strict enquiry 
will be conducted
And those responsible 
will be taken to task
When you could have prevented 
And choose to do nothing
Making it worse

For heaven sake
Do what is right
Before it is too late 

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