Monday, September 04, 2017

How running has changed for you: a confession of a Runnaholic

I remember the days
When I ran wild and free
Running was just running to me
There was nothing to correct
Nothing to do
Just find a path and away you'd go
No cares for the world
Or where your arms were
Or what your foot strike were
It was all about running
The road, the freedom and you

You ran when you were happy
You ran when you were sad
You ran from situations 
That often got you mad
Over fields and meadows
Across grounds and streams
You went where the road lead you
With absolute glee 

There were no markers to tell you
How far you had been
It was just you and your senses
Trying to judge where you had been
There were no watches to tell you
What pace you did take
Just breeze of the air
As it brushed your face

No phones and earplugs
No apps or music to listen to
Just the sound which nature provided you
The rustling of the breeze
The chirping of the birds in the trees
The joyful yelps of pet
And cheers of your friend

There were no races to be won
No podium to stand on
No medals to bite on 
Once you were done
Just cheers and howls
of your friends who were around
Even though you ran out breath
But it's the joy that you felt
Breathing in nature
Telling you that you're alive

The years have gone by
What was fun now a passion
Complexing what you once knew
Your run is all about mileage
And maintaining a form and pace
Where your hand is 
How your arms swing
How you lean forward
And where your foot meets the ground

You run on a track 
Or on an empty road
But it's Your race that dictates 
where you train 
On a flat route or a slope
Up inclines and down declines
But holding on to the form
Keeping your hands 
where they should be
Ensuring you're taking breaths 
To coordinate with your strides

You race at a pace 
As fast as you can 
To achieve your best 
Then post about it 
And share it with all
Then preen and pose
For selfies and pics
And if it ain't your best
Blame the weather and your health 
A niggling injury that flared up
Even a mismanaged race
Everything that can be blamed
Is sure to be blamed

Though running now is competitive 
The passion burns bright
But that spirit that you ran with
Still lingers with you
Trying to burst out
Making you long to run with
No cares of the world
No form no technique
No pace to keep
Just you and the path you run on
All wild and free

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